eTurboNews: eTurboNews

18 November 2011 - eTurboNews

PromPerú, the Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Board, recently announced that the FutureBrand 2011-2012 Country Brand Index has indicated that Peru has moved up three spots to number 44th in the world ranking. This climb positions Peru as one of the top five Latin American countries in the general ranking.

Furthermore, Peru remains the only Latin American country in the top five countries in the World Heritage category, and ranks fifth in history, ninth in authenticity and 11th in art and culture. In the tourism category, Peru places 12th in the Tourist Attractions subcategory.

It is important to highlight that PromPerú has promoted the destination’s tourist attractions in more than 40 trade shows and festivals in the U.S., Europe, Africa and Asia. Similarly, more than 80 foreign journalists were invited to experience and spread awareness of the tourism infrastructure available in Peru. This effort contributed to naming Peru the Best Tourism Office at the World Travel Awards last month.

This year influential travel outlets have showcased Peru’s tourist attractions such as Lonely Planet and National Geographic Traveler, whom recommended Iquitos as one of their preferred destinations. In addition to uncovering the lesser known places in Peru, Peruvian gastronomy has boomed in popularity and has been incorporated into the Huffington Post and Frommer’s Travel Guides.

With strong momentum in the destination’s branding, PromPerú will be launching an international campaign in the next months that will continue to promote and enhance Peru’s brand. The campaign will identify and encourage 29 million Peruvians to serve as destination ambassadors, responsible for sharing insight on the territory and a history that dates back 10 million years.

Source: eTurboNews


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